black textile on brown wooden table
black textile on brown wooden table
black textile on brown wooden table
black textile on brown wooden table

Sound Design Demo Reel


Sound & music redesigns using original recordings, synths, and weapon sound libraries.

The Sound & Music of Aris Arcanum


A dive into the audio of a rogue-lite spellcrafting game, which I am the sound designer, composer, and voice designer of.

- Using Unity & FMOD

black textile on brown wooden table
black textile on brown wooden table



A rhythm-based action music game, where you defeat enemies to the beat of the music. I was the music, sound, and voice designer.

- Bit1 competition 2023 finalist

- Using Unity & FMOD

FMOD screenshots showcasing the custom system made by the programmers that was used to trigger events from FMOD inside Unity, and also the parameters I used to create the dynamic music system.

black textile on brown wooden table
black textile on brown wooden table

Invite the Blackbird


A light visual novel made with hand-drawn watercolor style paintings. I did the sound design, music, and implementation.

- 7200+ browser plays and 1400+ downloads

- Using Unity & FMOD

black textile on brown wooden table
black textile on brown wooden table

Game Jams

I have frequently taken part in game jams to provide audio for various teams.

A lot of the games made during these jams can be found on my Itch page.

I have created all of the sfx and music for these games.